
Withdraw from a watch-only wallet



To withdraw from a watch-only wallet, you will need to import the private key associated with the public address into a wallet that has the ability to spend funds. A watch-only wallet is a type of cryptocurrency wallet that allows users to monitor their balances and transactions without having the ability to spend or move the funds. This type of wallet is useful for individuals who want to keep track of their cryptocurrency holdings without exposing their private keys to potential security risks.

Without the private key associated with the wallet, you can never make any withdrawals from the wallet. You will be restricted to viewing only, making deposits, but NOT withdrawing.

Read about types of watch only wallet here

To withdraw funds from a watch-only wallet, you will need to follow these steps:

Withdraw watch only

1. Obtain the private key associated with the public address in your watch-only wallet. This can typically be done by exporting the private key from the original wallet that was used to create the public address.

2. Import the private key into a wallet that has the ability to spend funds. This can be done by using the “import private key” function in most cryptocurrency wallets.

3. Once the private key has been imported, you should be able to see the balance associated with the public address in your watch-only wallet. From there, you can initiate a transaction to withdraw funds from the wallet.

It is important to note that importing a private key into a new wallet can be risky, as it exposes the private key to potential security threats. It is recommended that you only import private keys into wallets that you trust and have thoroughly researched.

To recover your wallet using external assistance, get in touch with HackCanyon Professionals

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